Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Symbolism at sacred Sites

Many Tracks and ancient pathways are often made conjunctive to ley lines or alignments, This in my opinion is primarily due to pilgrimage and our need to worship at different sites. I do not follow a particular faith but understand that throughout our history each faith has built sites upon the same underlying forces, the buildings often hold clues ,and through history one is able to see a pattern shared by each of the eras, saxon, norman, or gothic, tracked back to ancient times. The Gods change names but in essence are the same, even after a bloody christian changeover where everything previously worshipped was defined as heresy, symbolism can be found involving saints attacking serpents, implying the animal was somehow evil. Previous to this the serpent was considered a holy creature, and when one considers the energy lines which snake in and out coupled with serpent symbolism found at countless sites where earth energy lines are present, this symbol becomes understood.

The St Michael and Mary energy lines house a long list of monuments, megaliths and places of worship that hold many insights into our culture.

A serpent marks the flow at Bury St Edmunds.

 At Royston there is a small bell cut chamber carved beneath the busy streets above. It was used as an Templar meeting place, there are some interesting christian and pagan carvings cut into the chalk. There is an energy node here.

In cornwall a man called Daniel Gumb built a house out of the rocks, and lived there with his family, this diagram is sacred geometry and is carved on the roof to his house.

The ancients, knights Templars, Normans, Anglo saxons, and other individuals in more recent times all seemed to have some basic grasp of the forces unknown to many now. These locations had some significance... I was detirmined to find out what....

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